Friday, October 19, 2007

Well, Ain't That Cool

It's dinner time on my second day at the Write About Jesus Christian Songwriter's Conference. What a great experience so far!!! I finally get to blog about songwriting.

This year I am in what is called the "Master Class" for writers who have had songs cut by other artists. I guess I've qualified to be in this group for many years, but never thought to tell anybody. Thanks to Chris Filer for twisting my arm!! Part of our time is for assigned co-writing with other members of the group. I was paired up with a gal named Helga from New Jersey. We've gotten together a couple of times so far and have come up with a really cool tune. It's not finished yet, but I can't wait for everybody to hear it. I woke up at 5:30 this morning with another song idea that I had to jot down on my laptop. I think it'll be a good one, too! I have another co-write with a different writer tomorrow, so I pray it will be another good session.

On the networking side, the "big cheeses" from the industry are really starting to know who I am. I'm not sure how much I'm supposed to share, but a publisher is picking up one of my songs to pitch to a couple of MAJOR artists. This will take a while, but if something clicks, it could be a real boost for our ministry. Keep praying!!

The next session is starting up, I've gotta run...

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