Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What God Does

This year's Write About Jesus conference (my third) was my best by far. Since I've been back in town I've been flying in a hundred different directions, so I'll share a bit at a time.

On Thursday evening I shared my song "Laughing All The Way To The Bank." The response was tremendous! For the rest of the weekend, folks came up to me and said, "Are you that Laughing guy?" Yup, that describes me pretty well.

On Saturday I had another opportunity to share a song with the group during the Alumni Cafe. This time I wanted to do something completely different to show the spectrum of my writing. I felt the right choice was "He Did" from our What Matters Most album. The Cafe is held right before lunch and many people are catching up with each other after morning sessions. It's usually a fairly noisy background with some folks listening to the singer. My buddies Chris and Bill Filer were on before me with a great song that captured the attention of many people. Then I started singing. Not bragging here, but by the middle of the song, the place was silent. It wasn't because of me, the spirit of God was very present in the room. What an awesome moment.

The best part came after I finished and left the stage. One of the attendees came up to thank me for ministering. She mentioned that a lady sitting at her table had just received a rather painful song critique and my song helped refocus her and remind her why she writes in the first place.

Awards and accolades are nice, but if all I accomplish is to let God do what He does through me, that's sufficient. In fact, like God's grace, it's more than sufficient for me.

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