Saturday, October 27, 2007

Past Sold

Thanks to all of you who prayed yesterday about the auction. Once again God proved, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think..." - Eph 3:20

The house is sold!! A young single lady who is living in an apartment bought it and is excited about moving in. Her lease is not up until the end of this year, so that answered my mom's concerns about having to move out before her new home is finished. After the sale, we were talking to the auctioneer's wife. She told us she felt the need to pray for the house to sell, so she left early and went home. She was praying for the sale and the buyer while the auction was going on. How cool is that!

Now to the "abundantly above what we ask" part. The piano that I learned to play on also sold. A man bought it for his grandson who is autistic. After everyone had gone and we were straightening up, two cars pulled into the driveway. Out popped a little boy followed by his mom, grandma and grandpa. I got to meet the young man who would learn to play on my old piano. When I saw the excitement in his eyes, I remembered the day when my dad brought that piano home and I touched the keys for the very first time. Now I felt like I was passing on the torch to a new generation. I played a song for the little guy and encouraged him to practice and have fun with music.

We prayed for the house to be a blessing to the next owner. God answered that and threw in the piano blessing as well. All I can say is AMEN!!!

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