Monday, September 17, 2007

The Glamorous Life

OK, this blog is supposed to be about me the songwriter and I've hardly mentioned anything musical since I started. Never fear, the waves of inspiration have tickled my toes a bit. Here are a couple of verses I wrote last week. Of course they came at one o'clock in the morning! I didn't want to wake everybody, so I shut myself in the bathroom. There I was, sitting on the toilet scribbling lines on the inside cover of a Bible word-search book. The glamour of it all!

The hand that writes my life is unseen but not unfelt,
Sometimes I snatch the pen to write a line myself.
The words I write are grand, but oh so hard to rhyme,
And the rhythm of my heart is often slightly out of time.

So I relinquish and release my tight grip on the pen,
It’s not long before I see the pieces fit again.
The melody is sweet and the harmony is strong,
When the savior of my soul is the writer of my song.
© 2007 Phil Morgan - Jammin' Gentile Music, BMI.

This will probably be radically altered and edited when it transforms into a song, but I like the idea. Thars some truth in thar, matey!

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