Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Bionic Bathroom

I am in awe of how automated bathrooms are becoming. You really have very little to do anymore. When you are finished doing your thing (and sometimes before) the toilet will flush itself. Stick out your hand and there’s a dollop of hand soap. Another motion and soothing water flows in the sink. With a final wave, the paper towel dispenser will roll out a totally insufficient quantity of drying material. I have found that the proper amount of paper towel takes two and a half waves, but the final half wave requires great coordination.

There are even some rest areas that combine the soap, water and hand dryer in one place under the spigot. It takes quite a lot of practice to get the timing and movement right for a successful hand cleansing.

Another favorite are the industrial strength dryers popping up at some service stations. They employ a small jet engine with enough power to actually move the skin around to the other side of your hand. Watch out, small children may be blown clear across the room.

Technology is great and I’m all for convenience, but I think we’ve gone far enough. Any other activities I do in the restroom, I’d rather not have assistance with. Some things should remain “hands on.”

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