Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Did Ya Hear The One About...

My seventh grader cornered me last night with an interesting question - "Dad, I need a joke for school tomorrow."

Apparently her assignment in Speech and Drama class was to tell a joke to the class. Wow, this is my kind of homework! At least a dozen jokes instantly flooded my brain. Now it was time for some filtering. It needs to be appropriate, clean and something a seventh grader would understand. First I knocked out all the religious jokes so no one would be offended and that would not be appropriate. Next I considered the jokes pastors share with me, but I couldn't think of any clean ones. I also dismissed anything relating to body parts or bodily functions. I was starting to worry, my list was getting pretty short. Finally we settled on this one.

Two guys were talking about their favorite restaurants. The first guy says, "Oh, I'm so bad with names. It's a flower... comes in bunches... has thorns..."

"You mean a rose?"

"Yeah, that's it. Hey Rose, what was the name of that restaurant we ate at last night?"

My daughter practiced, got all the inflections just perfect and shared it with the class today.

They didn't get it. And these are the leaders of tomorrow? I'm scared.

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