Friday, September 26, 2008

Just Do It!

I took the family to see the new movie by the FACING THE GIANTS folks this afternoon. Another fine Christian film, go see it. Excellent, except for the upcoming movie previews shown at our local theatre. There were several times I wanted to cover my kids eyes and ears. I guess that just shows how much a wholesome movie like FIREPROOF is needed today. It is time we Christians let our dollars show Hollywood that there is a market for quality, clean and moral entertainment.

This is opening weekend, which really counts in the movie business, so if possible go see this movie and let your voice be heard. Oh yeah, don't forget to take your hankie!


1 comment:

Mrs. G-man said...

Hey Phil! Gerald and I went on a date last night and saw the movie, "Fireproof". You're right it was a great movie! Very awesome and highly recommended!