Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Final Meal

Tonight I had my final meal as a thirty-something person. It didn't hit me until we were finished eating, but then I took time to savor the moment.

The family and I were feasting at the KFC Buffet. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, biscuits with gravy, beans (both baked and green) with gravy, (OK, they didn't start out with gravy, but I put so much on my potatoes it spread to the other food groups.) For dessert, peach cobbler and some kind of light orange colored mousse. Yummy!!

I was having a great time, despite the chaos going on around me. My youngest was upset there weren't more pudding flavors, my oldest almost got stuck in the bathroom because of a heavy door/greasy floor combination, and my wife was worried about germs and passing around the hand sanitizer. Then there was an irate woman yelling at the counter guy because they ran out of sforks, the cleverly combined spoon/fork utensil.

There I was, oblivious to it all, munching on chicken and grooving along with the Caribbean tunes floating down from overhead speakers. The last song I heard before we left was a steel drum rendition of the 80s hit "Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side." That proves you are never too old for new experiences.

I guess that's as good a place as any to wrap up my first forty years. Tomorrow I'll work on the next forty.

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