Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bargain Bin?

I always told Pam we would know we made it big when our CDs made the bargain bin. In a way, that day is here - at least electronically. There are at least a few copies of most of our projects floating around on eBay and Amazon.com. Periodically I google us just to see what is out there.

The other day I came across a first. There is a copy of my new piano CD, "This Gift I Bring", on Amazon.com selling for a whopping $29.50 plus shipping. This is a current product available from our website for $15. What gives??

I'm not upset with the seller. If he can get $30+, more power to him. However, if you're in the buying mood, swing by my website and I'll give you that CD plus 2 more for only $35. Ain't I a nice guy???

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