Monday, May 5, 2008

They're Singing Our Song

This weekend we had a really awesome experience. On Friday night we sang at a Mother/Daughter banquet for a downtown Kansas City church. We have been with these folks several times and just love them. They are like family to us! There were some people in attendance who had never heard our testimony so we decided to end the evening with Pam sharing about our wreck and God's miraculous healing, and close with singing her testimony song, "I Stand." There was such a warm spirit in the room, Pam got pretty emotional while sharing her testimony. When it was time for her to sing, all she could do was cry. She tried a couple of times, but nothing came out.

Then without prompting, everyone who had heard us before (most of the group) started singing Pam's part. It was such a God moment. We were there to minister to them, and they ended up ministering to us. What a blessing!

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