Today is an interesting day. In a few hours, big chunks of my past will be up for sale to the highest bidder. The house I grew up in, the piano where I picked out my first melody, the loft where I played and imagined and dreamed - all will soon belong to someone else. As I helped my mom prepare for this auction, it was like a trip through my childhood. There were my dad's tools and the workbench where as a little boy I watched him fix all sorts of items. There was the table where I ate countless meals, me in the middle, mom to the left and dad to the right, feet propped up on the edge of the dishwasher, blowing smoke from his cigarette out the open window. In the basement I paused at the speakers, amps and mixing board from my first band. I can still picture Mike on guitar, John on the bass, and old Snake sitting behind the drums, pounding out the rhythm for feet shuffling across the dance floor. So many memories from the first twenty years of my journey here on planet Earth.
Believe it or not, I'm not sad at seeing all of this go. In fact I'm excited. I believe that life is not what you've left behind, but what awaits ahead. This will free all of us for the journey that God has in store for our future. Memories are great to have, but even better to make, and you'll never make new ones if you are reliving yesterday's. I'm ready for new memories.
Let the bidding begin...
PS. If you are reading this today (Friday), please join us in praying that God will send the right people to buy the house. My mom has been an excellent steward of the property and it has been a blessing to us for so many years. Now we pray that it will be blessing to a whole new family.
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