Monday, October 1, 2007

Isn't That Something???

Minimal blogage last week, it was newsletter time. To read what we've been up to and a devotion from Pam visit I also developed a quicker loading version for dial-up folks at If you haven't read about God and the little poopin' boy, it's a must! Check out the August newsletter in the ARCHIVES at

Ok, I'm tired of typing out web addresses. Yesterday we had a rare weekend off and we able to attend church here at home. The sermon held several of those cool, God moments, far beyond coincidence. Check this out...

In our newsletter I have a column called The Listening Room where I write a short "listener's guide" for a song on my piano album. This time I was up to cut 7: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. I briefly explained the 1 Samuel 7 reference to "Now I raise mine Ebenezer" in the second verse of the song. Guess what the sermon was based on yesterday? 1 Samuel 7! Pastor Ryan even used the song to illustrate the passage. In almost 40 years I have never heard a message on that passage, now here it comes just three days after I was writing about it. How cool!

That's not all. When pastor referenced another passage in Jeremiah, Pam nudged me and said she had been studying that scripture Friday morning. Sounds like maybe we were supposed to hear this sermon. The message was how God's faithfulness and help in the past encourages us to move into the future. Yup, this one's for us!

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