Friday, June 27, 2008

Where Did The Week Go???

I can't believe it is Friday already! This has been a BUSY week. Lots of stuff accomplished, so I'd say a good one too! Here's the WEEK IN REVIEW (doesn't that sound official?) This week I...

• wrote two songs with Helga. Good stuff!
• wrote two songs with Leslie. Good Stuff!
• Set us up to post videos on YouTube.
• Took the first steps toward our myspace page.
• Set up a new NEWS site for our ministry ( - check it out!)
• Set up mp3 downloads from our online store. Two albums so far, and accompaniment tracks for our latest. (
• scheduled a couple of concerts for this fall.
• picked a music minister's brain while eating burritos.
• fixed a broken kicthen drawer.
and the list goes on...

In a couple of hours we hit the road for a very full concert weekend in Iowa. I just remembered - I haven't packed yet!! Gotta go!

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