Here we are at the airport, heading out to North Carolina to record our new CD!! The last couple of weeks have been an emotional roller coaster, which explains why I've been absent from Blogville. There were songs to finish, songs to start (ouch), rough demos to make, and so much more. Besides the huge quantity of work, my mind likes to play tricks on me at times like this. I'll go from "This song is awesome!" to "This song stinks" several times a day and usually on the same song. Maybe my old adversary, the devil, is whispering discouragement one more time.
Right now I can honestly look at the songs we are going to record and say I'm pleased. There are some new, fun sounds for us, and the message is as strong as anything we've ever done. A lot of thought went into planning the message of this CD and I feel this is going to be a tool God can use.
Tomorrow is tracking with some of the best players in the world! Good times.
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