Friday, September 21, 2007


I don’t understand the whole “Bluetooth” thing. I get the wireless connectivity part, but where did they get the name “Bluetooth”? That sounds like a dental condition in Arkansas, or maybe the result of drinking too many grape slurpees. Whatever the case, I have joined the Bluetooth generation.

I have teased, joked and complained about people with little silver headpieces hanging from their ears, but the other day our Office Supply store had a great sale and I couldn’t help myself. I reasoned that Pam would be pleased at me not holding my phone while driving and the safety issues alone made buying a wireless headset the only responsible choice.

The first step in using a bluetooth headset is to “pair” it with your phone. This is a time when the two devices get to know each other, have a little dinner, maybe a movie, and decide if this relationship is worth pursuing. I felt a little embarrassed and almost left the room to give them a bit of privacy. All went well and they are now a couple.

Everything was going fine until I realized that my laptop also has Bluetooth. I’m thinking, “What for? It doesn’t need to make phone calls.” Now I’m starting to suspect my computer and my cellphone have a little thing going behind my back. I feel violated. Does the headset know? How are we all supposed to feel about this? I thought marriage took a lot of work, technology is killing me!

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