Friday, December 7, 2007

God's Top Ten

I'm listening to a great podcast sermon series on the ten commandments. It is called "The Sinai Code" by Andy Stanley at North Point Ministries. In all my years in church, I can't remember a single sermon on God's Top Ten List. Strange?? Anyhow, Andy is doing a great job on this one. Here's my paraphrase what we have learned so far.

1. Put God first in your life.
2. Don't shrink Him down to make Him manageable.
3. Don't do what you what and justify it with God's name.

Three down, seven to go! Check it out on iTunes by searching Andy Stanley or North Point ministries. You can also go to Good Stuff!!


Chris Morton said...

I'm a big Andy Stanley fan, but I was a little disappointed with one lesson in this series. I wrote about it here:

Let me know what you think.

creative phil said...

Hey Chris,

I read your post and see where you are coming from. It's probably not the right approach, but I find that when any pastor starts talking politics, I put on my mental "mute" button. I did think Andy painted a pretty bright picture of America as a Christian nation, but I was much more interested in what God was saying to me through the message. If a message contradicts scripture I have a problem, otherwise I try to give people a bunch of grace in what they say. I hope they give the same to me!

Thanks for your response!!