Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Are We Qualified?

Last night, while I was filling my car up with gasoline, I noticed the "Static Electricity Explosion" warning label. Apparently, the mere act of opening your car door during the fueling process can create a spark and ... KABOOM! Wow, has this ever happened to anyone?

Think about it, if the gas station is such a potentially explosive area that shutting your door or using your cellphone can set the whole thing off, are we normal people really qualified to pump our own gas? Shouldn't we at least be required to take special explosives classes or wear a blast suit like the bomb squad? And how about the folks who by their driving skills exhibit far less than average intelligence?

If I owned a gas station, I'd be running out the door yelling, "Don't touch that hose!!! Get in your cars and drive CAREFULLY away. Go, GO!!"

This must be a new problem. I can remember long ago when the station attendants used to come pump the gas for you with lit cigarettes hanging out of their mouths. I guess ignorance truly is bliss.

Oh well, my van's gas gauge is sitting on empty, too. If you don't hear from me again, you'll know what happened. RIP

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